๐ After-action reviews continue to highlight the gaps in patient tracking and reunification capabilities during an MCI response.
STS is an effective solution to address these needs โฌ๏ธ
#patienttracking #reunification #MCI #masscasualty #response #tech #technology #techforgood #shooting #activeshooter #prehospital #EMS #hospital #hospitals #triage #patient #patients #AAR #publicsafety #firstresponders
MCI Failures
Countless MCI responses have highlighted failures in patient tracking and reunification. Watch here โถ๏ธ
And learn about Simple Tracking System as a solution:
#MCI #masscasualty #AAR #patienttracking #publicsafety #firstresponders #EMS #tech #technology #techforgood #response #solution #reunification #familyreunification #prehospital #triage #transport #hospital #hospitals #command
Simple Tracking System in 1-2-3-4
Just how easy is it to use the Simple Tracking System app? As easy as 1-2-3-4๐ฒ
#tech #technology #patienttracking #reunification #publicsafety #firstresponders #emergency #response #data #MCI #masscasualty #communitysafety #missing #wandering #registry #autism #dementia #alzheimers #mentalhealth
MCI Response Failures
Countless MCIs have highlighted failures in patient tracking and reunification. Watch more below โถ๏ธ
And learn about Simple Tracking System as a solution here:
#patienttracking #reunification #MCI #masscasualty #activeshooter #shooting #prehospital #EMS #tech #technology #techforgood #solution #preparedness #tracking #triage #transport #hospital #hospitals #integration
STS Verticals
Our technology serves many verticals across community public safety โถ
#patienttracking #tracking #accountability #reunification #publicsafety #community #emergencymanagement #lawenforcement #police #NGO #schoolsafety #hospitals #EMS #socialservices #tech #technology #techforgood
Patient Tracking Failures
Why should patient tracking and reunification be a priority for your EMS agency? ๐
Learn more here:
#patienttracking #tracking #reunification #EMS #paramedic #prehospital #transport #hospital #hospitals #accountability #publicsafety #firstresponders #MCI #masscasualty #response #tech #technology #techforgood #tool #triage #patients #patient #patientcare #activeshooter #activeviolence #AVI #shooting
Simple Patient Tracking Solution
โถ Watch this short video capturing the simplicity of our effective patient tracking technology.
Interested? Sign-up today for a full demo for more information on our technology, applicability, and use cases.
#demo #video #patienttracking #tech #technology #techforgood #reunification #patients #patient #emergency #disaster #evacuation #evacuate #response #tool #resource #tracking #publicsafety #firstresponders #EMS #medical #prehospital #transport #triage
STS Key Features
What makes our patient tracking and reunification technology better โ#NPM23 #NPM2023
Watch this clip highlighting our key features โถ๏ธ
#patienttracking #tracking #reunification #technology #tech #preparedness #prepare #prepared #EMS #response #masscasualty #MCI #emergency #disaster #techforgood #publicsafety #firstresponders
๐ Ensure your agency is #prepared to tracking and reunify patients following a mass casualty incident, it is a gap continuously identified in after-action reports. #NPM2023 #NPM23
Learn more:
#preparedness #prepare #emergency #disaster #education #technology #tech #techforgood #firstresponders #publicsafety #patienttracking #tracking #accountability #evacuation #evacuate #emergencyevacuation #mandatoryevacuation #MCI #masscasualty #activeshooter #shooting #response #rescue #NPM #EMS #EMT #wildfire #wildfires #hurricane #hurricanes #flooding #wildfireseason #hurricaneseason #AAR #AARs #lessons #recommendations
STS in 4 Easy Steps
Creating a traceable, digital patient record with Simple Tracking System is as easy as 1-2-3-4 ๐ธ๐ฒ๐ฅ๐
Patient Tracking & Reunification Failures
Does your agency think patient tracking or reunification isn't a priority? Review these AARs and reconsider investing in an effective solution.
#patienttracking #tracking #reunification #tech #technology #publicsafety #firstresponders #MCI #masscasualty #activeshooter #activeviolence #AVI #response #hospital #hospitals #transport #triage #surgecapacity #lessons #recommendations #emergency #disaster #patient #patients #AARs